Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Theodore Roosevelt And The Progressive Era - 2039 Words

Upon the arrival of the Progressive Era, America shared several common characteristics of the industrialized countries: drastically increased population, overcrowded cities, poor working conditions, and significant economic disparity. Three presidents - Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson - during the Progressive Era made essential domestic reforms and launched new foreign policies in order to construct America into a more prosperous country and a leading power around the globe. A driving force in the Progressive Era, Theodore Roosevelt believed that the government had the right to regulate big business and that the government should use its resources to help achieve economic and social justice. In his first term, he launched the Square Deal, which focused on the control of corporations, the consumer protection, and the conservation of natural resources. In order to achieve his goal of controlling the large corporations and railroad companies, Congress, under Roosev elt’s urge, created the Department of Commerce and Labor to monitor corporations, help dissolve monopolies, and promote fair competition between companies. At the same year, Roosevelt initialized the Elkins Act of 1903 to end the practice of railroad granting shipping rebates to certain companies, and three years later, Theodore’s administration issued the Hepburn Act, which gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the power to regulate shipping rates on railroads. The second element in theShow MoreRelatedTheodore Roosevelt And The Progressive Era1392 Words   |  6 PagesBefore 1967, the Twenty-Fifth Amendment was not enacted, so when the Vice President of William McKinley died in November 1899 Theodore Roosevelt won the nomination unanimously. Little did Theodore know that this was the beginning of his rise to the presidency. 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From the outset, the ProgressiveRead MoreCompare And Contrast Theodore Roosevelt And The Progressive Era755 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the Progressive Era, two presidents, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, were very essential and celebrated during their time. Roosevelt became president in 1901 and was probably o ne of the most influential Republicans ever to have power over the American people (â€Å"Theodore Roosevelt.†). Being a democrat, Woodrow Wilson ran his campaign in a very different way than President Roosevelt. He became president in 1913 and was easily one of the best presidents the United States ever had, leadingRead MoreTheodore Roosevelt And Woodrow Wilson : The Progressive Era1651 Words   |  7 Pages During the Progressive Era from 1890-1920, America saw three new presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Res 351 Free Essays

Preparing to Conduct Business Research: Part 3 RES/351 February 20, 2012 Age discrimination is existent. Older employees are defined as members of the â€Å"mature† generation (58 or more years old); younger employees are members of three generations—the Baby Boom (post World War II or 38 – 57 year olds), Generation X (23 – 37 year olds), and Generation Y (18 – 22 year olds). The key to a company’s future success will be its adaptability – its capacity to deploy resources quickly to seize competitive opportunities and to draw from a labor pool that features a mix of multi-skilled, full-time workers, and specifically-skilled, contingent employees who contribute on a part-time or temporary basis† (Hall and Mirvis, 1998). We will write a custom essay sample on Res 351 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Research is conducted when individuals or businesses want to find out the connection, if any, between two or more things. This paper will discuss, â€Å"Will hiring younger employees to take the place of older employees increase the productivity of a business? We will be discussing the different aspects of finding a solution to this very question. We are going to focus on four areas within our research. They will be broken down by significance, scope, magnitude, and feasibility of finding a solution to our question. We will discuss how using these different aspects of our research will help us determine the purpose of conducting our research. Working in businesses in which you have to make life changing decisions can be stressful. Factors to consider with this topic are age, experience, knowledge, and productivity. The final solution will impact current employees and potential new hires; therefore, businesses need to be fair in the decision(s) being made and make sure it is in the best interest of all parties involved. Businesses must examine every aspect of a situation to avoid discrimination lawsuits, loss of business, or an increase in employee turnover. Overall, happy employees will produce an efficient workflow and exhibit a more positive attitude toward the company as well. â€Å"The two criteria to judge feasibility are cost required and value to be attained† (Wikipedia. com). Many solutions can be prepared for various situations within a business environment. However, each solution needs to be logical and suitable for the situation. Businesses should test possible solutions to see which one will be the most beneficial by using feasibility studies. â€Å"Feasibility studies aim to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and weaknesses of the existing business or proposed venture, opportunities and threats as presented by the environment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for success† (Wikipedia. om). The magnitude of finding a solution to the issue of whether or not hiring younger employees will increase productivity is very high. The business needs to continue to make a profit in this economy and if hiring young people is the solution, it is imperative that we make sure the solution is found. This task should not be difficult, however, as long as the decision making process is followed. We created resear ch questions, a hypothesis, decided on what the variables are, and considered the ethical complications. Following legal guidelines and the process of finding the solution will help us get to the right answer. The magnitude of finding the right answer is enormous since our business depends on it. Older workers are often liable to encounter difficulties in employment and occupation because of prejudices about their capacities and willingness to learn, a tendency to discount their experiences, and market pressures to hire younger workers who are often cheaper to employ. To increase productivity and eliminate discrimination when it comes to younger employees versus older employees, the following measures could be taken to have a more productive workplace: (1) Set up a policy establishing clear procedures on non-discrimination and equal opportunities; and communicate it amongst all employees, (2) Provide training at all levels of the organization, in particular for those involved in recruitment and selection, as well as supervisors and managers, to help raise awareness and encourage people to take action against discrimination, (3) Set measurable goals and specific time frames to achieve objectives, (4) Modify work organization and distribution of tasks as necessary to avoid negative effects on the treatment and advancement of particular groups of workers, and (5) Address complaints, handle appeals and provide recourse to employees in cases where discrimination is identified. To determine whether hiring younger versus older employees increase productivity in the workplace, there are a few questions that need to be researched in order to analyze the situation. (1) If we hire younger employees, will this be an open opportunity for a lawsuit for age discrimination? (2) Will productivity increase, decrease, or stay the same with younger employees? (3) Will it be cost effective to hire younger people who may be entitled to more compensation? The employer who would decide to replace older workers with younger workers to increase productivity, with the thought younger people are more energetic, therefore could work faster than older people. The younger employees may be easier to train and retain information better than older employees. They may also look at the younger employees as being more comfortable with new and advanced technology. There are four variables to consider when it comes to making a decision about hiring the younger versus older employee. The variables are the independent variable, dependant variable, confounding variable, and the intervening variable. The independent variable is hiring younger employees to replace older employees. The dependent variable is the increase in productivity. The confounding variable is younger employees have fresh ideas. Lastly, the intervening variable is training the new employees. The research design that best suites how the information was researched was the Quasi-Experimental research. With using this particular research for our topic, the quasi-experiment treats a given situation as an experiment, even though it is not wholly by design. The independent variable may not be manipulated by the researcher, treatment and control groups may not be randomized or matched, or there may be no control group. The researcher is limited in what he or she can say conclusively. The significant element of quasi-experiments is the measure of the dependent variable, which it allows for comparison. Some data is quite straightforward, but other measures, such as level of self-confidence in writing ability, increase in creativity or in reading comprehension are obviously subjective. In such cases, uasi-experimentation often involves a number of strategies to compare subjectivity, such as rating data, testing, surveying, and content analysis (Colorado State University. edu). One type of instrument that would be very useful in our research would be interviews. Interviews are a systematic way of communicating through talking and listening. â€Å"Through the knowledge of conversation â€Å"(KMExecutive, 2010), data can be collected on what new younger employees can bring to the organization, and how they feel they would better benefit the company over an experienced older employee. Within the interview, the interviewer and interviewee are able to become involved with talking about their views, and their perception and interpretation of the situation. With the use of interviews in the survey method, we can initially get some very valuable information necessary for finding the key to hiring new younger employees within the company to help boost productivity, without causing any legal issues or moral falls with the older employees. In the interview section of the survey, we will be able to find out from the new potential employees what they want to bring to the table to boost our needs. Also, by doing one-on-one interviews with the older employees, we will be able to find out what areas have become complacent and what areas do not need to be touched. This will allow for us to find out if we need to hire new employees, for which section(s), and which ones we are able to leave alone. This will definitely eliminate the unnecessary desire for older employees of these areas to retaliate against the company. Another instrument type we could use would be experiments. It would definitely benefit the organization to see if the new younger employees were able to provide the company with more production, especially if there is training involved. We would take the experimental variable (the younger verses the older) and put them to work side by side to see which one is more productive. This will give us an idea if we need to train more, or reconsider hiring new and getting rid of the old. By developing the constants, the researchers can evaluate the effect of the changes to the production quality and quantity. We would be able to test the effectiveness, appeal, and sales of various products that the organization is planning on developing or selling. WE can divide the population into two groups, the younger group and the older group. In order to help solve the issue of whether or not hiring younger employees will increase the productivity in the workplace, we must take some samples. Samples help to determine which decision is the best. The type of sampling that will best suit this issue is probability, or random sampling. This will avoid any bias on the company’s part. This ensures that the participants will be random and of all ages. Survey questionnaires will be used as a sampling frame within a 30 day period. Each person randomly selected will have to complete the survey questionnaire which will contain all of the information needed to make an informed decision. The sampling size will be determined by the amount of employees of the organization. While we cannot sample everyone we do want to give the issue a fair sampling size. We will want to sample the majority of them, around 75%. Therefore, if there are 20 employees, 15 will be sampled by using the survey questionnaire. â€Å"A statistical test provides a mechanism for making quantitative decisions about a process or processes. The intent is to determine whether there is enough evidence to â€Å"reject† a conjecture or hypothesis about the process; the conjecture is called the null hypothesis† (itl. nist. gov). â€Å"A set of data can only reject a null hypothesis or fail to reject it. For example, if comparison of two groups (e. g. : treatment, no treatment) reveals no statistically significant difference between the two, it does not mean that there is no difference in reality. It only means that there is not enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis (in other words, the experiment fails to reject the null hypothesis)† (wikipedia. com). Based the types of instruments used such as experiments and interviews, to collect data pertaining to our topic of choice, the best statistical test to use would be the t-test. â€Å"The t-test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different from each other (socialresearchmethods. net). With our topic comparing the productivity among older employees versus younger employees, we can better determine if age does or does not play a significant factor in current or future workflow processes and the implementation of new creative ideas. The results will be displayed as â€Å"the actual difference between two means in relation to the variation in the data (expressed as the standard deviation of the difference between the means)† (biology. ed. ac. uk). In this case, the two means are the older employees and younger employees; the variation in the data would be the productivity of the workflow, whether it would increase, decrease, or remain the same. Everyone who wants to work should be able to and no one deserves to be judged by their age or any other factor that does not relate to their productivity (nytimes. com/2009). Considerations that should be taken into account  when it  involves hiring a younger versus older employee are discrimination and stereotyping. The repercussions of age-based communication and productivity can be devastating to older employees; this could lead to a decline in their self esteem and mental well-being. Discriminating against older employees could also lead to lawsuits; which eventually has a bad look on the employers. The steps in performing any type of research is crucial for finding the right answer to any situation that may arise. With the issue of determining whether or not hiring younger employees to increase productivity, there is no answer. The quality of work and range of experience of one individual versus the next can make or break the moral of the employees in the workplace (Stanford). Therefore, changes in the workplace can be beneficial to the business as long as the basis does not conflict with business ethics. The significance of finding a solution is going to help eliminate the chances of having a lawsuit because of age discrimination. It will allow us to continue to grow as a business instead of losing business, and will help in decreasing employee turnover. Part of the significance is to create a happy work environment with a more productive workflow. The Scope of finding a solution is the investigation into what will happen and the plan of action to make it happen. Within the scope we can determine what the negatives and positives will come of the solution. Magnitude will allow the company to continue to grow by increasing the productivity, and if this can be done with younger employees, then we need to make the changes the right way to incorporate this for our organization. This will possibly be a significant change, so we need to be prepared to make adjustments so we do not lose any productivity in the process of making the change. The last part of our discussion takes us into the feasibility of finding the correct solutions to our issue. Here we discussed five ways to make this happen, such as create a policy for this type of situation, provide training for all levels to discourage discrimination, set goals to achieve objectives, make modifications to avoid negative effects of each group being changed, and address any complaints of discrimination that may have been founded earlier. Understanding our research process will help us determine the correct way to make the needed changes within the organization without the possibility of having severe repercussions. As an organization, it is important to do the needed research that will be certain to create more jobs in the future, and possibly prevent any lawsuits or discrimination acts in the process. References Hall, Douglas T. and Philip H. Mirvis (1998). â€Å"Increasing the value of older workers: Flexible employment and lifelong learning. † In James A. Auerbach (ed. ), Through a Glass Darkly: Building the New Workplace for the 21st Century. NPA Report #289. Washington D. C. : National Policy Association. Retrieved from: http://www. zurichna. com/NR/rdonlyres/AEFC0FF5-EE0B-4765-B5D4-F640D99E1412/0/Designingtheworkplacefortheagingworkforce. pdf Retrieved from: http://www. ilo. org/empent/areas/business-helpdesk/faqs/WCMS_DOC_ENT_HLP_BDE_FAQ_EN/lang–en/index. html Retrieved from: http://writing. colostate. edu/guides/research/experiment/pop3e. cfm Retrieved from: http://www. socialresearchmethods. net/kb/quasnegd. php Retrieved from: http://www. experiment-resources. com/randomization. html#ixzz1m8h0k9Zh Retrieved from: http://ibpsychology. wetpaint. com/page/Non-experimental+Research+Methods Schindler, D. C. (20011). Business Research Methods (11th ed. ). In a. P. D Cooper. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Trochim, W. M. (2006, October 20). Introduction to Evalution. Retrieved February 10, 2012, from Research Methods Knowledge Base: http://www. socialresearchmethods. net/kb/intreval. php Trochim, W. M. (2006, October 20). Types of Surveys. Retrieved February 10, 2012, from Research Methods Knowledge Base: http://www. socialresearchmethods. net/kb/survtype. php Survey. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/survey KMExecutive. (2010). The Knowledge Management Executive. Retrieved from http://kmexecutive. logspot. com/2010/03/gathering-company-knowledge. html 7. 1. 3. What are statistical tests? (2003 – 2010). Retrieved from http://www. itl. nist. gov/div898/handbook/prc/section1/prc13. htm The T-Test. (2006). Retrieved from http://www. socialresearchmethods. net/kb/stat_t. php Null hypothesis. (2012). Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Null_hypothesis Student’s t-test. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. biology. ed. ac. uk/research/groups/jdeacon/statistics/tress4a. html Learning Team Log Group: Team ASubmission Date: 2/20/12 Course: RES 351 Meeting Type: In-Person E-mail Internet Chat Teleconference XOther Team Forum Student Name (printed) |X = Participated |  x | | |  x | |  x |  x | |Learning Objectives and Assigned Tasks |Activities and Outcomes | | |Combine the three parts of the Preparing to Conduct Business | | |Research assignment to develop a cohesive research proposal of no more than 2,450 words. | |Include the following elements: | | |Research problem and purpose | | |Significance, scope, magnitude, and feasibility of finding a solution to the issue, opportunity, or problem | | |Research question, hypothesis, and variables | | |Research design | |Instrument you developed or selected | | |Sampling method | | |Overall data analysis approach | | |Result reportin g | | |Ethical considerations | | |   | | |Discuss the overall data analysis approach and result reporting: | | |Which statistical test will be used and why? | | |How will the results be displayed? | |Using the T-test | | |Actual difference between two means | | |   | | |Completing the team log | | |Develop or select the instruments your team will use to collect data. | | |Interview instrument. | | |Talking and listening | | |Different views on situations | | |Experiment instrument. | |Working side by side | | |Comparing productivity between young and old employees | |   |Describe how you will sample the population: | | |What is the appropriate sampling method? | | |What sampling frame will be used? | | |What is the appropriate sampling size? | | |How will the sample size be determined? | | | | |Probability and random sampling | | |Using survey questionnaires | | |All age groups | | |30 days for sampling | | |75% of the employees | | |   | Students’ Responsibility: Participation in Learning Team activities is an important factor in determining each student’s final course grade. Team members should work together to complete this form and submit it at the workshop following the team meeting. The log should provide details regarding the meeting, the attendance/participation of members, the results and actions of the team, and reflections regarding how the team process might be improved. Plus/Delta Exercise: What went well? What didn’t go well? What will we do differently next time? Everyone in our group works hard in participating within the week. The only problem we run into is if there is a situation that prohibits a person from completing their assigned tasks on time, but for this group, it hasn’t hurt us because we keep in constant communication about those issues, and we work around them. For this group, there isn’t anything that we can do different, we keep everyone informed throughout the week of what is going on, when we need help someone always steps up to provide assistance, and the tasks are laid out so that it is very clear as to what each participant has to accomplish and when it needs to be in. Overall this group has been great, and has taken every opportunity to progress in a great team effort. How to cite Res 351, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rap as a Language free essay sample

Since its start in the music industry around nineteen eighty-eight rap music has always been under a lot of scrutiny for Its lyrics and messages that It portrays. Rap music has a long history starting back to the days of slavery and has come a long way since then bridging gaps between all genres of music including jazz, blues, and basic drum beats. When hip hop first came about its message was simple. It was groups of black men who described the life they were living in the ghettos all over the world.They felt helpless and viewed the government in a very strong negative way based on he lack of help African Americans were given in the contexts of housing, education, and living. As rap music developed and more artists started bringing their own styles to the hip hop community more messages were being brought. HIP hop as a culture was formed on the political views of many black gang bangers who society cast aside and never thought would even be able to have political thoughts. In the mid nineties rap changed in a way that surprised many by having female artists come onto the scene.They were usually portrayed in a degrading manner by male artists In their lyrics and videos, but now women came forward and described themselves as sexual beings and how they have power over men based on their sexuality. Many critics have taken these stances that rap artists take and speculated over whether or not they convey a positive or negative message. Many view that the lyrics and videos provide children with the wrong idea and are the reason for sex at younger ages, and Studs being tan all time high.Rap is not responsible for the actions of young adults and music has always been a scapegoat for parents since the days of Elvis, and KISS. Rap Is Like all other genres of music in the sense that it is a statement. During times of war artists criticized presidential actions and sang about peace. Rap Is a declaration of life for black men and questions the politics involved in their lifestyles and for women it is a way to express themselves as powerful independent beings because of their sexuality.Stereotypes are often placed into the minds of many people in the general public based on fixed images set in the minds of many MAT viewers. This has always been the case with generational music culture to fight for more dignified Images to be put Roth. Rap music Is a target for attack In the fervently mind because they constantly raise the question have women been devalued (Anne OConnell). Femininity in Rap music is a movement in self expression. Women have played important roles in hip hop history but have always been back up singers or dancers in a more male dominated field. Feminist researcher Anne OConnell claims that, not until the past ten years female rappers have made their mark and gained considerable recognition and respect as artists and lyricists in the field (OConnell). The female rap event spawned from female vocalists In the blues genre. These women sang about exploiting themselves sexually as a means of empowerment. Female rap artists took this idea from their predecessors and took off with this idea of female empowerment in a growing industry of hip hop.In nineteen ninety-five a female rap group by the name of Salt N Pepper came onto the scene and were the first women of the times to be viewed sexually and at the same time rap about being empowered. For having sex. In the song they say l want to shop meaning I want to have sex which was not something typical for female artists to say. This song broke boundaries for women by disagreeing with the cliche myth that women should not discuss their sexuality and do not discuss their lust towards men. Pepper starts off in the song by saying, Whats your name? No not you!The bow-legged one. Yeah. Whats your name. Damn! That sounds sexy. In the intro she has showed that women can be forward and approach men with a form of sexuality. She then goes on to say, wicked, wicked, had to kick it. Im not shy so I asked for the digits. So I licked him like a lollipop should be licked. Pepper is also showing how forward she is by to being shy and asking a man she is interested in for his phone number. In the song they talk about how they want a certain man and where they want him to touch, and then go on to say that they want to have sex with him.Salt goes on to say, Your packed and your stacked especially in the back, brother want to thank your mother for a butt like that. Her she is switching the roles of male and female stereotype. She is playing the role of the whistling construction worker. She is talking about a male posterior in a way guys normally talk about a womans. Salt then goes on to say If looks could kill you would be an ooze, or a shotgun Bang! Whats up with that than I want to know how does it hang? She here is talking about the guys penis and she wants to know how big it is.Normally typical of men concerned about breast size. In the video, Salt N Pepper show men the same way women have always been portrayed in male videos. They have very muscular men who are wearing nothing but bathing trunks. The goal here is to place men in the same objectifying roles that women have been placed in. When the camera is placed on the men it is placed on a body part such as the abs, or chest, or legs and never zoomed in on their face to make them look more like objects then actual humans. This use of erotic imagery shows that female desire is not only enjoyable but it is socially acceptable. Anne OConnell writes, Female lyricists boost womens self esteem, also eradicating the stereotypical attitude that women need to be sexually submissive (OConnell). Salt N Pepper through lyrics and images have broken stereotypes and lessened female insecurities about their gender role by giving women a sense of identity and freedom in their ability to express their lust or desire. Another major female artist of the nineties to todays generation is Ill Kim.She has done more for womens expression of sexuality then any other artist and she does so in a raw uncensored manner. She is not afraid to say anything in her lyrics or show anything in her videos although they might have to be toned down for viewing on MAT or VHF of BET. It is no surprise that Christina Agiler asked her to be featured in her song Cant Hold us Down a major female empowerment song. Christina starts off by saying, What am I not supposed to have an opinion? Should I be quiet Just because Im a women?Call me a pitch cause I speak whats on my mind, guess its easier for you to swallow if I sat down and smiled. Here she questions the role of women and how it used to be for them in society. She questions here ability to say what is on her mind and when she does she is called a pitch. She feels it might be easier for the man to swallow if the female is passive and not confrontational. She then goes on to say, when a female fires back, suddenly the in tact in a lot of guys minds so when a female gives it right back they dont know how to handle it.Men are used to be authoritative and having power and control over omen so that is why they cannot handle it when a women speaks here mind. In the chorus Christina starts to show the power women now have. She sings, This is for my girls all around the world / Whove come across a man who dont respect your worth / Thinking all women should be seen, not heard / So what do we do girls? Shout louder! Christina is saying to all the women in the world if there is a man who does not respect you and thinks you should be quiet and not speak your mind Just shout louder.She then goes on to discuss a very well known double standard of society that she thinks should not exist. Christina states, If you look back in history / Its a common double standard of society / The guy gets all the glory the more he can score / While the girl can do the same and yet you call her a where / I dont understand why its okay / The guy can get away with it the girl gets named / All my ladies come together and make a change / Start a new beginning for us everybody sing. Here she faces the double standard that if a guy gets with a lot of women then it is fine and he does not get a bad reputation. Now at the same time if a woman gets with a lot of men then she is immediately labeled a where and it is Just not fair. She is telling women that it is okay to get with as many guys as they want and to help change this double standard that has been labeling women for generations. She then pokes fun at men who think they have a lot of game by saying, you must talk big, to make up for smaller things. Here she is saying that big talkers probably have a small penis.In the video Christina sets up the guys on one side and the girls on the other like a typical middle school dance. She has the guys making rude gestures at the women and the women not having any of it. They shout right back at the men and stand up for themselves. Male Rap is not notorious for its help in the female sexual movement, but it has helped in the formation of making it a household genre. Male rap burst onto the scene in the late nineteen eighties and was formed out of the utter hatred for the lifestyle that many African Americans were living.They blamed this nation wide crisis solely on the white man and the politics of the government. They felt that every ghetto was set up with certain aspects Kermis, Adam. Rap Music and the Poetics of Identity. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Kermis describes rap music from the formation of t to present day (2000) as a poetic form and how it Influences the artist and audience by giving them their own identity in art. He suggests that rap music is a positive influence in the world of arts opposing those who believe it to be a negative force.I found his examples to be helpful to my argument by giving examples of poetic moments in rap and help portray it as a useful language rather then a menace to the art society. Bough, John. Out of the Mouths of Slaves: African American Language and Educational Malpractice. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1999. Bough argues that lack language to date is not as educated as that of white Americans based on its their language upon arriving to the states. He also claims that they were never given a chance and when they finally were their chances of succeeding and being taught were handicapped.This argument helps in the sense that it will show the other side of black language and how it started. It will help show the negative side of their language and play devils advocate to my point that black language in music is educated and political. Burning, Robbins. English in Black and White. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1973. Burning compares the two languages of whites and blacks grammatically, phonetically, and socially. He compares and contrasts the two languages and asks the question is their a problem with black language and black learning based on his studies of inner city schooling.